
I come to the world of data science with a different perspective than most. Having a formal background in Communication and Law, my logic and writing skills are set in stone. On the other hand, I've had to teach myself many skills that someone transitioning from Computer Science or Mathematics would take for granted.

Although exciting, my journey has had its share of roadblocks — some of which are unique to my case, and some of which are universal for self-taught data professionals.

My hope is that through this blog I can demonstrate my abilities, document my growth, share a unique perspective, and help other life-long learners who might be a step or two behind me in their own career transitions.

Entries under the "Projects" category will be Jupyter notebooks demonstrating or providing a walk-through of recent data analysis and machine learning projects. Entries labeled "Posts" will be more traditional blog-style posts describing my thoughts on a data-related subject or summarizing what I've recently learned through personal research and projects. In the near future, I also plan to share some of my content on Medium through the Medium Partner Program, but I will always host a free version of each article on this blog as well.

Check back every month for new content!